5.14. Check and adjustment of position of camshafts


1. Uncover heads of the block of cylinders and a casing of the fan of a radiator.
2. Install the piston of the first cylinder in VMT and check that all adjusting tags were combined with indexes.
3. Check that at turn of an asterisk of the camshaft operating inlet valves clockwise against the stop the mechanism of the regulator is in situation "full reduction".
4. Otherwise adjust a starting position of the camshaft.


1. Turn a bent shaft before combination of a tag 30 ° to VMT with an arm of the sensor of an angle of rotation of a bent shaft.
2. Remove the mechanism of a tension of a driving chain.
3. Remove the top cover of a driving chain.
4. Remove an asterisk of the camshaft operating final valves.
5. A wrench for lysk turn the camshaft in such situation that the bottom edge of an adjusting opening in a flange of the camshaft was combined with the top plane of a head of the block of cylinders. For check of installation insert a steel core with a diameter of 4 mm into an adjusting opening.
6. Clockwise to an arrow turn a bent shaft before combination of a tag of VTM on a pulley of a bent shaft with an arm of the sensor of an angle of rotation of a bent shaft.
7. Manually turn the mechanism of regulir ки the camshaft operating inlet valves clockwise against the stop.
8. Establish a driving chain on an asterisk of the camshaft operating inlet valves and check that the chain is correctly placed on the lower uspokoitel of a chain.
9. Without turning the camshaft, establish an asterisk of the camshaft operating final valves.
10. Establish the top cover of a driving chain.
11. Install the mechanism of a tension of a driving chain.
12. Repeatedly check a starting position of camshafts.