5.11. Tension mechanism boot


Removal of a boot of the mechanism of a tension of a driving chain

1. Install the piston of the first cylinder in VMT and check that all adjusting tags were combined with indexes.
2. Remove the lower cover of a driving chain.
3. Apply combination tags on a driving chain and an asterisk of a bent shaft.
4. Turn a boot of the mechanism of a tension and remove it from a hinged finger (see rice. Removal of a boot of the mechanism of a tension of a driving chain).


Release of brackets of fixing of a boot of the mechanism of a tension of a chain

The plastic detail contacting to a driving chain
Remove the plastic detail contacting to a driving chain from a boot.

1. Check a condition of a boot for lack of wear, damages or cracks. At wear of the plastic surface contacting to a driving chain it can be replaced separately after release of brackets of fixing (see rice. Release of brackets of fixing of a boot of the mechanism of a tension of a chain, the Plastic detail contacting to a driving chain).


1. Installation is made in the sequence, the return to removal.