12.9. The pumping-up fuel pump


Elements of the pumping-up fuel pump

A – fuel pump of high pressure;
B – the pumping-up fuel pump;
C – fuel-supply line;
D – connection of a fuel-supply line;
E – nut;
F – laying

1. Remove a weight wire from the accumulator.
2. On models without turbo-supercharging uncover the air filter.
3. Using clips, press the giving and returnable fuel-supply lines. Weaken a collar and remove a fuel-supply line from a back part of the pumping-up pump (see the drawing).
4. Unscrew a connecting nut on the top part of the pumping-up fuel pump and remove the pipeline going to the fuel filter.
5. At removal of the pumping-up fuel pump leakage of insignificant amount of engine oil is possible.
Unscrew nuts and remove the pumping-up fuel pump from the fuel pump of high pressure. Remove laying of the pumping-up fuel pump.


1. Installation is made in the sequence, the return to removal taking into account the next moments.
2. At installation of the new pumping-up fuel pump unscrew the lower half of the fuel filter on the top part of the pump and install it on the new pump.
3. At installation of the pumping-up fuel pump on the case of the fuel pump of high pressure use new laying.
4. Tighten nuts of fastening of the pumping-up fuel pump the required moment.