6.7. Pulley of a bent shaft / quencher of tortional fluctuations and nave

On 4-cylinder engines of early releases the quencher of tortional fluctuations was not established. On 4-cylinder engines of later releases and all 5-and 6-cylinder engines the pulley of a bent shaft / a quencher of tortional fluctuations and a nave in the form of the uniform block was established.

Combination of a tag on a pulley of a bent shaft with the index on a cover of a driving chain


Combination of a groove on a forward flange of the camshaft with a ledge on a forward cover of the bearing of the camshaft


Fastening of a pulley of a bent shaft

1 – bent shaft;

2 – dish-shaped washers;

3 – forward cover;

4 – segment spline



Use of the special tool for fixing of a nave from a provorachivaniye


1. Remove a weight wire from the accumulator.
2. Open a cowl and record it in vertical position.
3. Remove a krylchatka of the fan of a radiator and the hydraulic coupling.
4. Weaken bolts of fastening of a pulley of the fan of a radiator.
5. Take off an auxiliary driving belt.
6. For an exception of damages of a radiator and increase in working space remove a radiator or, as a last resort, from the inside of a radiator establish a leaf of a cardboard.
7. Unscrew bolts of fastening of a pulley of the fan of a radiator and remove a pulley.
8. Record a pulley of a bent shaft / a quencher of tortional fluctuations from a provorachivaniye, using the special tool screwed on a pulley of a bent shaft (see rice. Use of the special tool for fixing of a nave from a provorachivaniye).
9. Unscrew bolts and remove a pulley of a bent shaft / a quencher of tortional fluctuations.


1. Installation is made in the sequence, the return to removal.



At screwing up of a bolt of fastening of a nave it is necessary to use a dynamometer key, I provide the shchy moment of tightening of 400 Nanometers. For removal of a nave from a bent shaft it is necessary to use a stripper.


1. Remove a pulley of a bent shaft / a quencher of tortional fluctuations.
2. Record a nave from a provorachivaniye, using the special tool screwed on a nave.
3. Unscrew a bolt of fastening of a nave and remove it together with four spring washers or a big conic washer.
4. Using a stripper, remove a nave from the forward end of a bent shaft.
5. Remove a segment spline from a groove of a bent shaft.


Arrangement of dish-shaped washers on a bolt of fastening of a nave


1. Establish a segment spline in a groove of a bent shaft.
2. Combine a groove on a nave with a segment spline and establish a nave on a bent shaft.
3. On models with dish-shaped spring washers grease spring washers and establish them on a bolt by the convex party to a bolt head (see rice. An arrangement of dish-shaped washers on a bolt of fastening of a nave).
4. On models with a conic washer establish a washer on a bolt by big diameter to a nave.
5. Grease a fastening bolt carving.
6. Using the special tool, record a nave from a provorachivaniye and tighten a bolt of fastening of a nave the required moment.
7. Establish a pulley of a bent shaft / quencher of tortional fluctuations.