9.2. General information

The power supply system fuel consists of the STROMBERG or PIERBURG carburetor, the fuel tank, the mechanical fuel pump, fuel pipelines, the air filter and the fuel filter of the cartridge type established in the fuel tank.

On the Sedan models the fuel tank is located before the luggage compartment, and on the Station wagon models is located under a trunk floor.

Fuel from the fuel tank via the fuel filter and the pipeline gets the fuel pump and further under pressure moves in the float-operated camera of the carburetor. The float and the needle valve regulate fuel level in the float-operated camera. Surplus of fuel on a returnable fuel-supply line comes back to the fuel tank.

The air filter installed on a cover of a head of the block of cylinders or on the carburetor contains the replaceable filtering element. In front of the air filter the temperature regulator with the gate is established. The temperature regulator maintains temperature of the air coming to the engine at optimum level because the gate operated by a temperature regulator provides or receipt in the engine of cold air, or the air which is warmed up by a final collector.

At cars supply of fuel at start of the cold engine and turns of idling are run with the STROMBERG CD T175 carburetor by the delay valve. The valve consists from биметалличес which strip which heats up the electric current passed through it and operates vacuum in the case of a diaphragm of the operating gate. At start of the cold engine the valve of a delay blocks vacuum to a diaphragm and the gate remains closed. In the course of warming up of a bimetallic plate after start of the engine vacuum gradually increases, and the gate, opening, regulates idling turns. Also there is an electromagnetic valve, a perekryva of yushchiya fuel supply. This valve excludes operation of the engine after switching off of ignition, and also limits the maximum turns of the engine, blocking fuel supply if turns of the engine exceed the most admissible.

Turns of idling and supply of fuel-air mix at cars with the PIERBURG carburetor are regulated by executive mechanisms of a butterfly valve and the air gate. Working parameters of engines to the controller yutsyatsya by the sensors installed on the engine and connected with the electronic control device (ECU). At the turns of the engine exceeding idling turns, the executive mechanism of the air gate changes position of the gate and, therefore, amount of the air coming to the engine. During the operation of the engine idling the executive mechanism of the gate operates fuel supply, changing the provision of a needle in an air jet. The ECU block, comparing turns of idling of the engine to a preset value, supports optimum turns of idling on all operational modes of the engine. As feedback in system of adjustment the potentiometer of provision of a butterfly valve is used.

Gasoline extremely fire - is also explosive therefore it is necessary to show care during the work on any part of fuel system.

Works on fuel system need to be performed in well aired room for what it is possible to open all windows and doors for draft creation.

During the work on fuel system do not use naked flame, electric welding and tools during the work with which sparks can be formed. Check that in close proximity to a workplace there is a charged fire extinguisher.

For protection of eyes against hit of fuel in them use points. At hit of fuel on skin wash out this place a plentiful amount of water.

Capacity in which there was a fuel contains vapors of fuel and is potentially explosive.

During the work with fuel system observe purity as the dirt which got to canals of fuel system can block them that will break normal operation of the engine.