23:29. Pumping of system of the amplifier of steering
At the switched-off engine fill in liquid in a nutritious tank to a mark of the top level in a plastic pipe which is established on a tank cover rack. At the switched-off engine slowly turn a steering wheel several times from an emphasis against the stop to remove the air which got to hydraulic system then add liquid in a nutritious tank. Repeat this operation until liquid level in a nutritious tank does not begin to decrease.
Start the engine and watch liquid level in a nutritious tank. Perhaps, after start of the engine it is necessary to add liquid in a nutritious tank.
During the operation of the engine idling slowly turn a steering wheel 2 - 3 times approximately on 45 ° to the left or to the right from the center. Then turn a steering wheel from an emphasis against the stop to the left and to the right. Do not detain a steering wheel in extreme provisions as at the same time pressure in hydraulic system as much as possible. Repeat this operation until in a nutritious tank bubbles do not cease to appear.
If at turn of a wheel in system of the amplifier of steering noise is heard, it demonstrates that in system still there is an air. It is possible to check it, having established a wheel for the movement directly forward and having switched off the engine. If at the same time liquid level in a nutritious tank increases, then at system there is an air, and it needs to be removed.
After removal of air from hydraulic system switch off the engine and give the chance to it to cool down. After cooling of the engine check liquid level in a popolnitelny tank and, if necessary, add liquid.